Uiryung Park

박의령 Uiryung Park
박의령은 서울을 가장 서울답게 서울답지 않게 찍으려는 사진가이다. 〈NYLON KOREA〉, 〈DAZED & CONFUSED KOREA〉, 〈Harper’s BAZAAR KOREA〉에서 피처에디터 및 디렉터로 지냈으며, 영화와 전시의 모더레이터로 활동했다. 윗옷을 벗은 여성 75명을 찍은 사진집 〈75A〉을 출판했다.
Uiryung Park is a photographer capturing Seoul in its most authentic form, and also its least at the same time. She has been the feature editor and director of NYLON KOREA, DAZED & CONFUSED KOREA, and Harper’s BAZAAR KOREA and worked as a movie and exhibition moderator. She published a photo book 75A containing photographs of 75 topless women.
Email: youryung@ag.co.kr
Instagram: youryung
어떤 여성의 지난 모습.
A portrait of one woman’s past.
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